Israel 'Will Not Let Iran Get Nuclear Bomb'

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 | 10.52

Israel is ready to act "alone" to stop Iran getting a nuclear bomb, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned.

He said the only way to peacefully stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is to combine tough sanctions with a credible military threat.

Mr Netanyahu argued Israel's future is threatened by a "nuclear-armed" Iran seeking its destruction.

He told the UN General Assembly: "Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. Don't let up the pressure (on Iran)."

He added that the only deal that could be made with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, was one that "fully dismantles Iran's nuclear weapons program."

Seifi, a representative of the Iranian delegation, delivers a response after an address by Israel's PM Netanyahu to the United Nations General Assembly in New York Iran's Khodadad Seifi branded the Mr Netanyahu's remarks "inflammatory"

He was dismissive of President Rouhani's diplomatic overtures to the West, and his strong denials that the Tehran government was seeking a nuclear weapon.

Mr Netanyahu said: "Rouhani is a wolf in sheep's clothing. A wolf who thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of the international community.

"But like everyone else, I wish we could believe Rouhani's words, but we must focus on Iran's actions."

He said Iran's "vast and feverish" effort to acquire nuclear arms has continued since President Rouhani's election.

"Iran wants to be in a position to rush forward to build nuclear bombs before the international community can detect it and much less prevent it," he claimed.

A nuclear-armed Iran would be a more dangerous threat than North Korea, Mr Netanyahu added.

"As dangerous as a nuclear armed North Korea is, it pales in comparison to the danger of a nuclear armed Iran," he said.

"A nuclear armed Iran in the Middle East wouldn't be another North Korea  - it would be another 50 North Koreas."

His speech drew a swift response from Iran, who accused the Israeli leader of "sabre rattling".

Khodadad Seifi, a deputy ambassador at Iran's UN mission, told the UN General Assembly that Netanyahu's remarks had been "inflammatory".

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